Identifying The Right Students With AI

October 10, 2024

minutes read.
Identifying The Right Students With AI

At the NACAC conference, AI was all the rage, but most of the conversation focused on automating tasks like processing applications or sending emails. While automation is helpful, there’s a bigger opportunity being overlooked: AI’s ability to help admissions teams figure out which students to engage with and when. That’s where its real value lies.

The Challenge: Prioritizing the Right Students

In any admissions cycle, you’re often inundated with student inquiries, applications, and expressions of interest. From the student who’s just starting to explore your school to the one on the verge of applying, how do you know who deserves your attention? Traditional methods, such as prioritizing based on GPA or test scores, don’t always give you the complete picture of a student's potential to enroll. Moreover, these methods often miss the nuance of where students are in their decision-making process.

That’s where AI steps in—not to replace your expertise, but to help you focus your efforts. By analyzing student behavior—like how often a student visits your website, what they click on, and how they interact with your communications—AI can predict who’s ready to engage and who might need more nurturing. This saves your admissions team time and allows for more personalized outreach.

How AI Identifies Key Prospects

AI does more than crunch numbers. It spots patterns in student behavior and engagement that humans might miss. For example, AI can track not just whether a student opens an email but how often they return to your website afterward, how much time they spend on specific program pages, and whether they sign up for a virtual tour or webinar. All these actions are indicators of interest, but they also provide a deeper sense of where the student is in their decision journey.

Here are some specific ways AI can help you identify key prospects:

  • Engagement Scoring: AI assigns scores to students based on how engaged they are with your institution. A student who clicks on multiple emails, revisits the website, and signs up for events will score higher, indicating they may be ready for more focused outreach.
  • Behavior Tracking: AI can look beyond simple interactions and assess deeper behavior patterns. For example, a student who consistently asks about specific programs or scholarships is likely more serious about enrolling than one who’s only browsing general information.
  • Predictive Timing: AI can help admissions teams understand when students are most likely to respond to communication. Maybe a student opens every email in the early morning—AI will track that and suggest sending future emails during that window.

Smart Outreach: Prioritizing for Impact

One of AI’s biggest advantages is helping admissions teams focus on the right students at the right time. Instead of casting a wide net with mass communications, AI allows for targeted engagement. For instance, students who show high levels of engagement can be flagged for immediate follow-up, while those showing lower engagement can be put into nurturing campaigns to keep them warm without wasting time on direct outreach.

Some practical benefits of AI in outreach include:

  • Optimizing Time and Resources: AI helps admissions counselors prioritize high-value students, freeing up time to focus on those most likely to apply and enroll.
  • Personalized Communication: By tracking the specific needs and interests of students, AI helps you craft messages that speak directly to their unique situations, leading to more meaningful interactions.
  • Intervention Before Drop-Off: AI doesn’t just highlight students who are ready to engage; it can also flag those who are disengaging, allowing for proactive outreach to keep them in the funnel.

Rethinking Your Engagement Strategy

With AI’s insights, admissions leaders can uncover students who might not have been flagged based on traditional criteria. Maybe they don’t have the highest GPA, but their behavior shows a deep interest in your programs. By digging into these hidden signals, you’re not only broadening your pool of high-potential students but also making your engagement strategy more inclusive.

This kind of data-driven, personalized approach helps ensure that you’re not missing out on great prospects simply because they didn’t meet the standard academic criteria.

AI’s Role in Identifying Key Prospects

AI is transforming the way admissions teams engage with prospective students by helping to identify who to focus on and when to reach out. With a data-driven understanding of student behavior, you can personalize your outreach and maximize the impact of your efforts.

Next week, I'll explore how AI can help map the entire student journey, allowing admissions teams to tailor their communications even more effectively.


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